Best out of waste idea- Old neswspaper reused

Best out of waste - Whenever i post something that is made up of old newspapers or magazines i feel very good may be because i learn a lot on how to make the best use of a material which is wasted the most in my house.
To make these baskets newspaper pieces are cut first, then roll each piece over a pencil or anything that is rounded and thin, pull out the pencil and apply glue at the end to secure it and flatten the straws of paper. Like this we can make many pieces and fit them into each other by inserting one into another. Now to make the base we can use the strips like a spiral and keep applying glue, to make the body start from any side of the base and keep rolling the strips around it. Don't forget to apply the glue.
Once the basket is ready apply acrylic paints and a coat of varnish can also be applied for long life of the basket. This can be used for any purpose.


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